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By Elizabeth Grunsky

From Radiance Winter 2001.


eauty isn’t as simple as size or race. If it were, life would not be nearly as exciting and diverse as it is today. This is what I began to realize as I browsed through the activewear catalog Junonia. I have always loved to sketch and doodle, and I found myself drawing voluptuous, confident women on a piece of paper soon after reading the magazine. They were wild and full of joy, something the skinnier, more common figures I normally drew never were.

After drawing for some time, I had created a character I was quite fond of. I named her Trixie. Trixie is a combination of a can-can girl and a full-blown diva. I showed my mom one of my pictures, and she sent it to Radiance. To my surprise, editor Alice Ansfield called us back and requested another picture! I was delighted and so flattered. So, for my second submission, I drew a beautiful woman simply walking her dog. I just wanted her to exude confidence and “radiance” while conducting an everyday activity. Hopefully, you will enjoy these gorgeous gals as much as I do. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my drawings. ©


Elizabeth Grunsky, who will enter her senior year at Lincoln High School in Stockton, California, enjoys drawing, riding horses, volunteering with the local humane society, and hanging with her friends. She lives at home with three dogs, two cockatiels, two new kittens, and a ten-year-old brother.


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The Magazine for Large Women

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