Big Beautiful Beach
Summer 1999
Radiance Swimsuit Edition

Clockwise: Lisa Tealer, Woman of Substance Spa, Redwood City, CA; Alice Ansfield, Radiance, Oakland, CA. Photo by Judy Seibert;
Teresa Bridges, Melbourne Beach, FL. Photo by Kevin Roberts, Intimate Images; Kay Luck and
Sandi Lempka-Luck, Hawaii. Photo by Tony Luck; Laurie D. Sandow, in Texas. Photo by Lisa
Sandow; JoAnne Saunders, St. Thomas, VI. Photo by Anthony Saunders, Sr; Janelle Bonlie,
Love Your Peaches, in Bermuda.
Readers: Join us for our next Radiance Swimsuit Edition,
"Swimsuits 2000!" Send your photos in to us today for consideration!

First row, left to right: Margaret Herring, Oakland, CA. Photo by Perry Nguyen;
Elizabeth Fisher, Melissa Taylor, Francine Juneau, Spa Lady, Baton Rouge, LA. Photo by
Terre Ferguson.
Second row, left to right: Karen Lewis and Shayna, Ontario, Canada. Photo by Tamara;
Chris Betts, Sulphur Springs, CO. Photo by Deb Olney; Gisela Enders, Kassel, Germany.
Photo by Mark Bollhorst.
Third row, left to right: Helen Hahn, Oceanside, CA. Photo by Bob; Cynthia Newcomer
(page 26-27), Cape Henlopen Park, DE. Photo by Gail Messie.
Fourth row, left to right: Cynthia Pohlman Abushukheidem, Maui, HI. Photo by Sufian;
Teresa Bridges, Melbourne Beach, FL. Photo by Kevin Roberts, Intimate Images.
Join us for our next Radiance Swimsuit Edition, "Swimsuits 2000!" Send your
photos in to us today for consideration!

First row, left to right: Melinda McCormick, Radiance office administrator
extraordinaire! Photo by Alice Ansfield; L. Whipple, Austin, TX. Photo by her husband;
Lisa Zareczny, West Palm Beach, FL.
Second row, left to right: Barb Starling, Marci Getz, and Pat Taylor, in Costa Rica.
Photo by Joyce Newmyer; Nancy and Will, in Lake Michigan. Photo by Marci.
Third row, left to right: Leontina Calabro, in Cape Cod; Janet Henry, a Vermont Foster
Parent of the Year, with grandchildren.
Fourth row, left to right: Susan Brown, Janet Jones, Catherine E. Babcock, Vanessa Low,
New Jersey. Photo by Helena A. Jackson; Anne Peek, the Big Island, Hawaii. Photo by Tom
Join us for our next Radiance Swimsuit Edition, "Swimsuits 2000!" Send your
photos in to us today for consideration!
Remember, this is
only a taste of what's inside the printed version of the magazine!