Winter 1999 Issue
We're proud of the diversity on our pages and in our readership. We celebrate women all sizes of large, of all ages, from all life-styles, and ethnicities. Feel free to e-mail us with feedback, questions, or ideas for stories. Want to be featured in our next swimsuit edition? In the next Summer swimsuit issue of Radiance, we will be printing more photos of you�our readers�in all your glorious shapes and sizes! Don your swimsuits and send us your favorite color photos to consider. We want photos of you alone, and with kids, family, and friends. We want to see you at the pool, at the beach, in Jamaica, in your swimming class, or even underwater, snorkeling! Send as many photos as you can, along with a cover letter telling us where the photo was taken and who you�re with. Include the name of the photographer if you want to give her/him credit. Include your phone number (and e-mail if you have it) so we can get in touch with you if we need to. Send to Radiance Send some photos now and continue throughout the year! Enjoy our Winter Issue. Remember, this is only a taste of what's inside the printed version of the magazine! In addition to ads for fashions for large and supersize women, mail order catalogs, and other important products and services, there is a whole lot more to read! Pick up the latest issue at your local bookstore or better (and easier) yet, subscribe and get every edition mailed right to you!
-- Alice Ansfield, See something you
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This site maintained by Cory Computer Systems. |
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This site maintained by Cory Computer Systems. |
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This site maintained by Cory Computer Systems. |