Swimsuits 2000!
Radiance Readers Takin' it to the Water

Who’s Who
- Cherisse Prater, FL
- Rocky Mountain (CO) Chapter of Naafa.: L-R, Leslie Curtis, Jan
Marie Belle, Sherry Goodwin, Janet Severe. Front Row, L-R, Dina
Marroquin, Debi Nault, and Patti Kelly.
- Alice Ansfield, CA. Photo by Judy Seibert.
- Paula Smith, St. Thomas, VI. Photo by Rudolph Liverpool.
- Water Women of Seattle, WA.: Back Row, L-R, Marty Hale-Evans, Lana
Saunders, Steph Hartung, Martha Mestl, Joan Huber, Eris Dreyfus,
Aganita Varkentine. Front Row (behind “Women” and “Rad”),
L-R, Kristin MacFatridge, Lee Brown.
- Dawn Cohen, NV. Photo by A.J. Cohen.
- Brooke from AL. Photo by Emerald Coast Photography.
- Lana Saunders, WA. Photo by Larry Kinney.
- Mary L. Cahen, FL. Photo by Daria Hanson.
- Jassy Kowalski and Eve Diana in Provincetown, MA.
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