Size-Positive Books & Resources
This is only a partial list (alphabetical by author)
of some of our favorite books and resources. This list will be updated a
few times a year. Your ideas on what to include on this list are welcome.
For Children (and those who work with them)
The Whale Who Wanted to be
Small, by Gill McBarnet, Ruwanga Trading Inc (1985). For
kids through age seven or so. A cute story about a baby whale who
was much bigger than any of her sea creature friends, who wished she
could be more like them in size. Only when exposed to the
magnificence of her Grandfather does she realize the beauty and
value of being a whale. For information and price write Booklines,
Hawaii Ltd., 94-527 Puahi St., Waipahu, HI 96797. (Hardcover, $8.95
from |
ABC, I Like Me, by
Nancy Carlson. Puffin Books (1988). Not originally intended as a
size-acceptance book, this little gem features a pig as the main
character who gives all the reasons why she likes herself. Highly
recommended. (Paperback, $4.79 Hardcover, $10.49 from |
Aunty Pua's Dilemma,
by Ann Kondo Corum, MnM Books (1995). This is the story of Aunty Pua,
a portly pig, who doesn't want to go to a luau because she feels
she's too big. She tries to lose weight, but her wise uncle finally
tells her that she is a pig, she is meant to be fat, to celebrate
who she is, go to the party, and have fun.
"Aunty Pua, Aunty Pua, you silly pig! You're
running and running, and still you're so big! Don't you know that
pigs were meant to be fat? Accept that fact and wear your hat. Go
to town this very day, and buy a muumuu that's bright and gay. Buy
a size that's right for you, and I'll see you at Opu's on May 22."
So Aunty Pua goes to the party, feels and looks
wonderful, and has a great time. She learned her lesson: You are who
you are and you should celebrate that and not worry about being like
anyone else. Included in the book are her favorite recipes from the
luau. The drawings are beautiful, positive, and very fat-friendly.
MnM Books, P.O. Box 37095, Honolulu, HI 96837, (808) 845-8949, or
fax (808) 847-6637. (Hardcover, $7.95 from |
Preventing Childhood Eating
Problems, by Jane Hirschmann and Lela Zaphiropoulos, ISBN:
0936077255, Publisher: Gurze Books, Date: Mar 1993. Focuses on how
parents and those who work with children can help a child develop a
natural, normal relationship with food. (Paperback, $8.76 from
Websites:, |
Am I Fat? Helping young
children accept differences in body size, by Joanne Ikeda,
M.A. R.D.; Priscilla Naworski, M.S., ETR Associates (1992). A must
read for parents, teachers, and other care providers of children to
age 10, who want to help them develop positive attitudes about their
bodies. 117 pages. (Paperback, $17.95 from |
Are You Too Fat, Ginny?
by Karin Jasper, Is Five Press. Written for young girls, this
book challenges myths about fatness and dieting in adolescents and
offers the healthy alternative of self-acceptance. Introduction for
parents and teachers. (Paperback, $5.95 + $1.85 special surcharge
from |
Belinda�s Bouquet, by
Leslea Newman, Alyson Publications (1991). The book you needed to
read when you were growing up as a fat child. Written for children,
its size-acceptance message is for everyone. Paperback, $6.95. (Naafa
Book Service). |
Foxy Fables and Facts About
Dieting, Toronto International No-Diet Coalition (1996). A
beautifully illustrated, fact-filled booklet for readers of many
ages, it contains several size-esteem, antidiet fables with
accompanying morals, as well as information about self-esteem,
health, and eating disorders. |
New Moon magazine: A Magazine
for Girls and their Dreams. An international magazine for
every girl who wants her voice to be heard and her dreams taken
seriously. With girl editors, ages 8 to 14, and girl contributors
from all over the world, New Moon celebrates girls,
explores the passage from girl to woman, and builds healthy
resistance to gender inequities. The New Moon girl is true
to herself, and New Moon helps her as she pursues her
unique path in life, moving confidently out into the world.
Advertising free. New Moon, P.O. Box 3587, Duluth, MN
55803-3587, 218-728-5507, 800-381-4743. Subscriptions are $29/yr., 6
issues. Web site: |
For Young Adults
Life In the Fat Lane,
by Cherie Bennett, Delcourt Press (1998). A novel for teenagers
featuring the "perfect" high school girl who inexplicably gains 100
pounds and then watches the life she knew crumble before her. This
book hits the mark by exploring identity issues related to weight in
ways in which teens will identify. Highly recommended. (Paperback,
$3.99, Hardcover, $11.16 from |
The Body Project: An Intimate
History of American Girls, by Joan Jacobs Brumberg (1997),
Random House. An historian gives the bigger picture of how today�s
girls have developed body image issues by examining the diaries of
girls over the last 100 years. Includes analysis of all aspects of
living in a female body (e.g. menstruation), not just body image.
Fascinating and easily readable for young and older women alike.
(Hardcover, $25.00 from
Paperback, $10.40 from |
Teen Voices: Because You�re
More Than a Pretty Face. A magazine for teens written by
teens. An outstanding alternative to the
how-to-lose-weight-to-get-your-man variety of periodicals being
offered to the 13-19 year-old set. To order call 888-882-TEEN.
Web site: |
Extra Hip. A
newsletter and web site for plus-size teen girls edited by plus-size
model, Katie Arons. Still in its infancy, it is a good start for
girls and teens who want to begin body acceptance now. Hip, really!
Contact Katie at 323-461-9506 or Free!
Web site: |
Radiance: The Magazine for Large Women. Once to twice
a year in the magazine, in addition to our usual array of articles
on health, media, fashion, and politics, we print articles and
support materials for our Radiance Kids Project
(most of which are also put up at our web site,
Included are essays by kids of all ages about their lives, and about
issues of body size and self-esteem. Also, articles by teachers,
counselors, health professionals, and parents, on raising children
who feel seen, loved, and valued, whatever their body size or shape.
For information: . Good for school
libraries, therapists� and doctors� offices, training purposes (for
healthcare professionals), and so on. |
For Adults
Self-Esteem Comes in All Sizes
How to Be Happy and Healthy at Your Natural Weight (Revised)
by Carol A. Johnson; Gary D. Foster
(Gurze Press, ISBN: 0936077379, June 2001, 320 pages
Paperback, $14.95.)
Size-Positive Style! Clothing
for the Plus and Supersize Woman by Linda S. Kanzinger.
At last! A book on fashion for the fat woman with
real plus and supersize women as models. This book is loaded with
photos (287 of them) of big, beautiful, sexy women. Sometimes
controversial, a bit in-your-face about size prejudice, and always
totally supportive of women, this is a highly individualistic look
at clothes, big bodies, fashion, and style. Size-positive artwork
reinforces the books' philosophy. Resources and appendices for big
(The Alcott Press, August 2001. 8 1/2 x11, 168 pages, ISBN
Paperback, $28.50 directly from Alcott Press,
contact them at ) |
ZAFTIG: Well Rounded Erotica
Edited by Hanne Blank. Cleis Press presents steamy
stories showcasing the sex lives of women of
size and their admirers in 18 short erotic stories.
Contributors' works have appeared in Playboy,
Cosmopolitan, Herotica, and
Susie Bright's Best American Erotica series among
others. Hanne Blank is the author of Big, Big
Love: A Sourcebook on Sex for
People of Size and Those Who Love Them. She is also
associate editor of Scarlet Letters online (
Publish date: June 2001, $14.95, trade paper.
Tipping the Scales of Justice:
Fighting Weight-Based Discrimination,
by Sondra Solovay, J.D. What rights, if any, do fat people have? If
a child is obese, are the parents legally
responsible? Can employers treat overweight employees as
different, or disabled? Should fat people be
protected by disability laws? Cases of illegal
hiring practices, workplace prejudice, harassment, unfair
treatment, medical malpractice, and denial of public
access are being filed in increasing numbers
as the nation continues to obsess over, and
misunderstand, weight. This fascinating book will be essential for
law courses and libraries, as well as for
anyone concerned about weight as a legal issue. (Published by Prometheus Books. Order line: 1-800-421-0351.
261 pp. ISBN 1-57392-764-3 . Paperback: $17 from, $16.95 from, and $13.50 from |
Big, Big, Love A
Sourcebook on Sex for People of Size and Those Who Love Them, by Hanne Blank. Focusing specifically on people who are
fat or feel that they are, people who prefer
bigger partners, or people who are trying to
understand their sizeable sweeties a little
better, Big Big Love discusses the ins and
outs of living and loving large.
Liberally salted with the voices of strong, sexual,
vibrant fat people of all genders and
orientations, as well as words of wisdom from those
who prefer fatter partners, Big Big
Love is an unapologetic, strong, feisty look at
sexuality that has something to say to
anyone who's ever looked in the mirror and thought
"ugh!" about their own bodies. Written
for people of all genders, shapes, orientations,
sizes, and sexualities, Big Big Love is
guaranteed to expand your horizons -- no matter
whether you cringe at the thought of
someone else seeing your rear end or sing along at
the top of your lungs to "Fat Bottomed
Girls." (Paperback, $12.76 from |
Bountiful Women, by
Bonnie Bernell, Wildcat Canyon Press (2000). An
upbeat, wise, and delightfully honest guidebook, it is chock full
of practical information and
creative strategies for physical and emotional well-being. It gives
the kind of support every large woman needs to take
charge of her own life, to know that she is
entitled to life's bounty, and to enjoy it to
the fullest. (Paperback, $14.36 from |
Sexy at Any Size: A Real
Woman�s Guide to Dating and Romance, Fireside Trade
Paperback @ Simon & Schuster (1999), by Katie Arons. A southern
California, plus-size model gives great advice on how to turn your
love life around. (Paperback, $9.60 from |
The Dieter�s Dilemma: Eating
Less and Weighing More, by William Bennett, M.D., and Joel
Gurin, Ph.D., Basic Books (1982). One of the first books about
antidieting findings on set-point theory and other metabolic
considerations. A source of accurate scientific information about
what does and does not define one�s appropriate weight. Clearly
written. Check your local library for a copy of this one. |
Health Risks of Weight Loss,
by Frances M. Berg, Obesity & Health (1992). Brings together the
compelling research on the effects of America�s obsession with
dieting, showing how weight loss can be a risky business. Paperback,
$21.95. |
Worth Your Weight: What You
Can Do About a Weight Problem, by Barbara Altman Bruno,
Rutledge Press (1996). Therapist and fat-activist, author advocates
learning how to have the "delicious" experience of loving your body.
Paperback, $12.95. |
Nothing to Lose: A Guide to
Sane Living in a Larger Body, by Cheri K. Erdman, Ed.D.,
HarperCollins (1995). An initiation into the process of size
acceptance as experienced by the author and women she interviewed in
her original research. Includes activities for readers to explore
while going through their own process. Hardcover, $18.00.
(Paperback, $11.20 from |
Live Large! Ideas,
Affirmations and Actions for Sane living in a Larger Body,
by Cheri K. Erdman, Ed.D., HarperCollins (1997). Written for those
who have made the decision to be size-accepting and occasionally
need a little encouragement. One-page-at-a-time format includes a
big idea, brief content, ending with an affirmation and action the
reader can use to move the big idea into her life. Motivational.
Paperback, $11.00. |
Losing It: America�s Obsession
with Weight and the Industry that Feeds on It, by Laura
Fraser, Dutton (1997). Extensive history and expos� of the
weight-loss industry in America. Outstanding resource. Hard cover,
$24.95. |
Big Fat Lies: The Truth About
Your Health and Your Weight, by Glenn Gaesser,
Gurze Books (2000). The author debunks the myths of the height/weight
chart and the standard belief that fat causes heart disease.
Advocates a new definition of fitness that focuses on insulin
sensitivity, light to moderate physical activity, and a low-fat diet
(not for weight loss). Paperback, $14.95. Website: |
Bodylove Learning to Like Our
Looks and Ourselves-A Practical Guide for Women (Updated)
(Paperback) - Revised Ed. by Rita Freedman
ISBN: 0936077433, Gurze Books, June 2002, 327 pages, $14.95 Website: |
The Invisible Woman:
Confronting Weight Prejudice in America, by Charisse
Goodman, Gurze Press (1995). A brave analysis of the why�s of weight
discrimination. Author�s tone is angry, but its understandable as
you read on. Recommended for those who want to understand how
discrimination can occur in our enlightened age. Paperback, $14.95. |
Transforming Body Image:
Learning to Love the Body You Have, by Marcia Germaine
Hutchinson, Ed.D., The Crossing Press (1985). Seminal work on
changing body image. Physical and psychological exercises for
exploring and changing our body image. Some material specifically
related to weight (cultural attitudes), but mostly general advice
for enjoyment and appreciation of the body. Paperback, $10.95. |
Self-Esteem Comes in All
Sizes, by Carol Johnson, M.A., Doubleday (1995). Written by
the founder of the support group, "Largely Positive," this book
separates weight from self-esteem by encouraging the reader to learn
more, do more, dress up regardless of size. Hardcover, $18.95.
Paperback, $10.95. Order from Gurze Books (Now 40% off!...$6.57)
1-800-756-7533 or |
Making Peace with Food:
Freeing Yourself from the Diet-Weight Obsession, by Susan
Kano, Harper (1989). Readable, practical, inspiring. Contains a
summary of antidieting and setpoint findings, then proposes methods
for increasing one�s self-esteem and living in accord with one�s own
natural and healthy hungers. Helps reader overcome yo-yo dieting,
body and food anxiety, and self-defeating guilt. Complete with
step-by-step workbook format. Good list of suggested readings and
resources. Paperback, $13. |
Great Shape: The First Fitness
Guide for Large Women, by Pat Lyons, M.A., R.N., and Debby
Burgard, Ph.D., Bull Publishing (1990). Excellent reading. The
authors discuss fitness and movement as a right for all people,
regardless of their size. More of an encouragement and support book
than a how-to book. Paperback, $14.95. |
Wake Up! I�m Fat, by
Camryn Manheim, Basic Books (1999). This Emmy and Golden
Globe-winning actress of the TV series The Practice tells how
she shed shame instead of pounds. A really good read. (Hardcover,
$14.49, Paperback, $11.20, Audio $14.36 from |
The Bodywise Woman: Enhancing
Body Image, Fitness and Health, by the Melpomene Institute
for Women�s Health Research, Prentice-Hall (1993). A collection of
articles on various aspects of understanding size-related issues and
living a healthy life in a large body. Paperback, $16.95. Order
directly from the Melpomene Institute, 1010 University Ave., St.
Paul, MN 55104, 612-642-1951. Web site: |
Overcoming Overeating,
by Carol Munter and Jane Hirschmann, Fawcett/Columbine (1988).
Helpful to those who have mild-to-moderate problems with overeating
due to emotional causes and previous deprivation (dieting). The
authors provide a program of freeing oneself from dieting, finding
out what true hunger is, and encouraging other ways to meet your
needs. Paperback, $9.95. Web site: |
When Women Stop Hating Their
Bodies: Freeing yourself from Food and Weight Obsession, by
Carol Munter and Jane Hirschmann, Ballantine Books (1995). Taking
their Overcoming Overeating philosophy one step further, the authors
explore the social and psychological reasons for body-hate and
obsessive dieting behavior and give concrete steps for reclaiming
our bodies. Paperback, $12. Web site: |
Plus-Style: The Plus-Size
Guide to Looking Great, by Suzan Nanfeldt, Penguin Press
(1996). Jam-packed with practical advice, this book helps large
women choose clothing, accessories, make-up and hair styles. The
author freely shares her image consultant wisdom with the rest of
us. Paperback, $19.95. |
No Fat Chicks: How Big
Business Profits Making Women Hate Their Bodies and How to Fight
Back, by Terry Poulton, Birch Lane Press, (1997). Poulton,
an editor for a fashion magazine who went on a diet and reported on
her progress in the pages of her own publiction -- and then gained
the weight back, has given us a non-nonsense look at the economics
of the dieting industry. This one will make you mad. Hardcover,
$21.95. |
The Ultimate Plus-Size
Modeling Guide, by Catherine Schuller, 212-473-2086. |
Size Wise: A Comprehensive
Guide to Living Large with No Apologies, by Judy Sullivan,
Avon Books (1997). The title says it all-you�ll have almost every
conceivable resource for living large at your fingertips. Included
are interesting interviews with regular folks as well as some movers
and shakers in the size-acceptance movement. Book updated regularly
through the author�s web site: Paperback, $12.00. |
Fat!So?Because You Don�t Have
to Aplogize for Your Size, by Marilyn Wann , Ten Speed Press
(1999). If you�ve never seen the zine or web site of the same name,
then you are in for a surprise! The author issues her fat acceptance
views in a no-apologies, hilarious way. Entertaining, informative,
very fresh. web site: Paperback, $12.95. |
Journeys to Self-Acceptance:
Fat Women Speak, edited by Carol Wiley, The Crossing Press
(1994). Two dozen short personal essays on topics from women of
size. Interesting and often inspirational. Paperback, $9.95. |
Radiance: The
Magazine for Large Women is an upbeat,
positive, empowering, colorful, quarterly magazine. Since 1984,
Radiance has grown to become a
leading source of support, information, and inspiration for women
all sizes of large in the worldwide Size Acceptance Movement. Each
quarterly edition features in-depth interviews with plus-size
celebrities (like Rosie O'Donnell, Camryn ("This is for all the fat
girls!") Manheim, and Delta Burke), along with compelling articles
on health, media, fashion, and politics. We're proud of the
diversity on our pages and in our readership. We celebrate women all
sizes of large, of all ages, life-styles, and ethnicities. Get the
information and support you need to create a full life and a healthy
self-esteem. It's good for the whole family.
(web site), |
Size-Positive Organizations
National Association to Advance
Fat Acceptance (NAAFA), P.O. Box 188620, Sacramento, CA 95818,
916-558-6880 Web site: |
International No-Diet Coalition,
914-679-1209. |
Council on Size & Weight
Discrimination, P.O. Box 305, Mt. Marion, NY 12456. |
Largely Positive, P.O. Box
17223, Glendale, WI 53217. Largely Positive's newsletter,
"On a Positive Note," is published quarterly and addresses
issues of interest to larger people and the professionals who work
with them. The cost is $12.00 for a one-year subscription ($16.00
outside the U.S., payable in U.S. funds). |
Size Positive Booklist: Updated
May 18, 2023 |